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清州大學 Cheongju University

亞洲 韓國

Asia: Korea      


Cheongju University website

◎語言:須具備良好的韓文基礎(TOPIK Level 3以上),此大學有韓文語言教育中心。

Language: Fluent Korean Language skill is required (TOPIK Level 3 or higher).  The Korean Language Education Center offers classes in this university.


◎申請資料:(依據本校交換生計畫實施要點) Application Documents: (as per TNNUA Exchange Student Program Implementation Directions)

1.本校交換申請表Application Form for Exchange Student of The School

2.歷年成績單(需含交換前最後一學期之成績) Grade transcript for all academic year (including the last semester prior to exchange)

3.推薦函Recommendation Letter

4.外語能力檢定成績 (依據本校交換生計畫實施要點規定) Score Report of Foreign Language Proficiency Test (as per TNNUA Exchange Student Program Implementation Directions)

5.自傳及讀書計畫Autobiography and Study Plan


◎清州大學該校所需資料:Documents Required by Cheongji University

1.入學申請書 Application Form

2.自我介紹書 Personal Statement

3.留學計畫 Study Plan

4.成績單 Transcript

5.大學在讀證明書正本 Original Copy of Certificate of University Enrollment

6.銀行存款證明書正本Original Copy of Bank Statement

7.全家人身分證影本 Copy of all family members’ identification

8.戶口名簿正本及影本 Original and copy of family household registration

9.護照影本 Passport Copy

10.高中畢業證書影本+在學證明認證Copy of High School Education Diploma and Certified Certificate of Enrollment

11.彩色白底照片兩張 Two copies of colored photograph.

12.插班生需提交TOPIK3級以上證明書 Certificate of TOPIK Leve 3 or higher for Transfer Student.


◎其他資訊:Other Information

1.宿舍需申請 Student needs to apply for dormitory.

2.申請書繳交日期 Deadline of application

   第一學期前年之11~12 First semester: November to December of the previous year.

   第二學期:6~7 Second semester: June to July.

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