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檀國大學 Dankook University

亞洲 韓國

Asia: Korea

◎檀國大學網頁: http://www.dankook.ac.kr/web/kor

Dankook University website

語言: 該校課程多以韓語授課,建議具備良好的韓文基礎,TOPIK Level 3

Language: the courses are taught mostly in Korean, so fluent Korean language skill is recommended (TOPIK Level 3)

申請資料: (依據本校交換生計畫實施要點) Application Documents: (as per TNNUA Exchange Student Program Implementation Directions)

1.本校交換申請表Application Form for Exchange Student of The School

2.歷年成績單(需含交換前最後一學期之成績)(中、英各一份)Grade transcript for all academic year (including the last semester prior to exchange) (both in Chinese and English)

3.推薦函Recommendation Letter

4.外語能力檢定成績 (依據本校交換生計畫實施要點規定) Score Report of Foreign Language Proficiency Test (as per TNNUA Exchange Student Program Implementation Directions)

5.自傳及讀書計畫(中、英各一份)Autobiography and Study Plan (both in Chinese and English)

◎其他資訊:Other Information

1. 本交換計畫包括學費互免之協議。(繳交本校學費)

Tuition Waiver Agreement is included in this Exchange Student Program (pay for tuition of The School)

2. 附檔附上檀國大學該校交換申請日程及申請指南。

Refer to attached DKU Exchange Student Application Sheet and Guidelines.

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