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澳洲雪梨大學藝術學院-Sydney College of the Arts

澳洲雪梨大學藝術學院網頁: http://sydney.edu.au/sca/

Sydney College of the Arts website

語言:英語Language: English


IELTS: Total score 6.5 with 6.0 the minimum for each section.


Total score 85 with minimum score 19 for Writing, and minimum score 17 for Reading, Speaking and Listening.

申請資料: (依據本校交換生計畫實施要點) Application Documents: (as per TNNUA Exchange Student Program Implementation Directions)

1.本校交換申請表Application Form for Exchange Student of The School

2.歷年成績單(需含交換前最後一學期之成績)(中、英各一份)Grade transcript for all academic year (including the last semester prior to exchange) (both in Chinese and English)

3.推薦函Recommendation Letter

4.外語能力檢定成績 (依據本校交換生計畫實施要點規定) Score Report of Foreign Language Proficiency Test (as per TNNUA Exchange Student Program Implementation Directions)

5.自傳及讀書計畫(中、英各一份)Autobiography and Study Plan (both in Chinese and English)

6.大學畢業證書(中、英文影本各一份,大學部申請者無須準備此份資料) Undergraduate Certificate ( one copy both in Chinese and English, except for the applicant of undergraduate program)

澳洲雪梨大學藝術學院該校所需資料Documents Required by Sydney College of the Arts, Australia


For the required documents of each exchange program, please visit: https://goo.gl/bW3Moy

其他資訊Other Information

1.可選擇一學年、一學期的交換項目或是寒假(7)、暑假(12月至2)的短期交換項目。Options: the exchange program for one school year or one semester, or the short-term exchange program during winter vacation (July) or summer vacation (December to February)


On-line application; use the on-line application system and upload the required documents accordingly, and it can be amended without limitation before sending out.


The student needs to pay for the tuition.

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